NEW - xbFootnoteTag Package Release

v1.0.1 now available. The package contains a content plugin and and editor button. The button inserts and {xbref...} shortcode and the plugin converts the specified tag description into either or both a popover or a footnote.

So collect all your references for your site into tags and then you can use them as footnotes in any article. Or use it for definitions and acronyms - define them once and add in any article. Plus many other features.

Out Now - xbTruncString Plugin

Finally got around to packaging up the fixes to the string truncate core function that I have been using on one site so that I can easily deploy them elsewhere. Its a system plugin that hooks in to replace the reference to the broken core JHtmlString::truncate() function. See here


After a hiatus whilst other aspects of life came to the fore, I am back developing a new ideas for a Joomla Extension Package - way of using tags to simplify the management and insertion of citations/references/footnotes etc. This involves a new editor button and content plugin package, an update to xbTipPop plugin and some new features for xbArtMan.

More details coming dreckly.

xbAutoSave vital bug fix -> v2.0.0.3  (v2.0.0.2 broken) 17th February 

New Plugins coming this month:

  • Element Button editor button plugin for easy insert of elements.
  • AutoSave  admin content plugin to automatically save work when editing
  • ElementXB content Plugin for converting {xb... elements to html on output.

Also details of some hacks: