Preview release - xbBooks Alpha-5 - Beta-1 due later this month

v0.5.8 available for download and test. Record details of the books you read and your comments or reviews

Preview - xbBooks Alpha

v0.5.5 available for download and test. Record details of the books you read and your comments or reviews

Alpha Test - xbBooks - catalogue and review books

Announcing a new components designed to maintain a personal catalogue of books you have read. This is intended to replace the previous flat file database I have been using for the last 15 years with something that exists online (so that I can access an edit it from any device) and allows for details of books, people - authors and characters - and multiple reviews for each book so that friends an family can add their own reviews.

Currently in development this has now reached a stage where I can start using it, but is still incomplete in some areas. I hope to release a Beta version to the Joomla Extensions directory in September.

xbBooks will be followed dreckly by xbFilms and then a version for live performances (music, poetry, theatre - xbGigs? xbEvents? xbShows? xbPerfomances?...) and possibly a version for music albums or tracks.

Preview - xbEdHideLight Package Alpha

v0.2.0.2 available for download and test. The package contains a content plugin and and two editor buttons. The buttons hide or highlight text in the editor WYSISYG view, while to content plugin removes the highlights and allows the content to be processed for front-end display.

Remove clutter whilst editing or mark content that you need to revise later without affecting the published articles.